269. Alien Dictionary
There is a new alien language which uses the latin alphabet. However, the order among letters are unknown to you. You receive a list of non-empty words from the dictionary, where words are sorted lexicographically by the rules of this new language. Derive the order of letters in this language.
Example 1:
Given the following words in dictionary,
[ "wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt" ]
The correct order is: "wertf"
Example 2:
Given the following words in dictionary,
[ "z", "x" ]
The correct order is: "zx"
Example 3:
Given the following words in dictionary,
[ "z", "x", "z" ]
The order is invalid, so return ""
- You may assume all letters are in lowercase.
- You may assume that if a is a prefix of b, then a must appear before b in the given dictionary.
- If the order is invalid, return an empty string.
- There may be multiple valid order of letters, return any one of them is fine.
如何長出tree,基本上就是word跟word 間第一個不一樣的character,就是一個 edge
ex. wrt, wrf ,第一個不一樣是在 t,f,而表示的就是t -> f (t要在f之前出現)
基本上只要沒有edge relation 的character 就可以出現,用個int[ ] 來記錄被reference的次數
這邊在check reference count 時就利用之前的set 確定範圍(不用run過整個array)
接下來就是很標準的 topological sort 了,藉由visit 的edge 去減少相對應的refernce count
只要reference count = 0,就表示已經沒有被參考了可以輸出
當所有可以輸出得都輸出後,再確認一下result string是不是與set 大小相等
不相等的情形會發生在有reference count 沒被歸零(如cycle,因為會互卡所以reference count 永遠不會變成0)
class Solution { public String alienOrder(String[] words) { HashSet<Character> charset = new HashSet(); HashMap<Character,HashSet<Character>> map = new HashMap(); int[] count = new int[26]; Deque<Character> que = new ArrayDeque(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for(String word:words){ for(char c:word.toCharArray()) charset.add(c); } for(char c:charset) count[c-'a']=0; BuildGraph(count, words, map); for(char c:charset){ System.out.print(c+" "+count[c-'a']); if(count[c-'a']==0) que.addLast(c); } while(que.size()>0){ char c = que.removeFirst(); System.out.println(c+" "); result.append(c); if(map.containsKey(c)){ System.out.print("neigh="); for(char neigh:map.get(c)){ System.out.print(neigh+" "); count[neigh-'a']--; if(count[neigh-'a'] == 0) que.add(neigh); } } System.out.println(""); } return (charset.size()==result.length())?result.toString():""; } void BuildGraph(int[] count, String[] words, HashMap<Character,HashSet<Character>> map){ char[] previous = words[0].toCharArray(); for(int index=1; index<words.length; index++){ char[] cur = words[index].toCharArray(); int len=Math.min(cur.length, previous.length); for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ if(cur[i] != previous[i]){ HashSet<Character> set = (map.containsKey(previous[i]))?map.get(previous[i]):new HashSet(); if(!set.contains(cur[i])) { set.add(cur[i]); count[cur[i]-'a']++; map.put(previous[i],set); } break; } } previous = cur; } } }