670. Maximum Swap
Given a non-negative integer, you could swap two digits at most once to get the maximum valued number. Return the maximum valued number you could get.
Example 1:
Input: 2736 Output: 7236 Explanation: Swap the number 2 and the number 7.
Example 2:
Input: 9973 Output: 9973 Explanation: No swap.
- The given number is in the range [0, 108]
這邊的思維是loop from MSB到LSB,然後每位要用往後找是否有比自己更大的
ex. 98368 --> 98863,如果用往前找小的,會變成98638,但是其實最佳的換法是8跟3 換)
一但找到就可以swap 後return
class Solution { public int maximumSwap(int num) { char[] nums = String.valueOf(num).toCharArray(); int[] pos = new int[10]; for(int index=0; index<nums.length; index++) pos[nums[index] - '0'] = index; for(int index=0; index<nums.length; index++) { for(int val=9; val > nums[index]-'0'; val--) { if(pos[val] > index) { char tmp = nums[pos[val]]; nums[pos[val]] = nums[index]; nums[index] = tmp; return Integer.valueOf(new String(nums)); } } } return num; } }